Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 month well visit

Just hanging out while the nurse gets his oxygen level and heart rate!

Kicking away on the scales!

Being a good boy for the Doctor!

The night before his Doctor appointment, we put Clint to bed around 9:30 after his bottle, and he selpt until 6:30 the next morning! WOW! I told Jonathan when his alarm went off that morning and he said "He is okay?" haha! I told him "well yes...he's okay" did he actually think that I had been all night without getting up and checking on him? I am such a light sleeper that if I hear any little whimper I am awake. Clint did cry out one time that night, and I got up to put his paci back in his mouth and he went back to sleep. So maybe, sleeping through the night.. everynight.. is not far from our future.

He had his 2 month old well visit at the doctor on March 9, 2010. He weighed in at 11lbs 5oz and was 23 inches long!! He gained nearly 4 lbs and grew two inches. He is a growing boy...and although that is good that he is getting what he needs, it makes me so sad. He won't be little for long; why do they have to grow up so fast?

He passed his 2 month old survey, and also got three different shots at this appointment (DTaP, Hep B, and Hib). I H-A-T-E shots!! It BROKE my heart to see him crying like that. If I hadn't been so worried about soothing him and trying to get him to calm down, I would have been crying myself. I used to get so aggravated at work when the parents used to cry in front if their kids right before we take them to surgery, but now.. I can see why. No one wants to see their child hurting. Seeing your child hurting and crying is a pain that cuts a parent deep inside. I know that it will not be the last time either, and I dread it! I gave him Tylenol before his appointment, and that seemed to help. He has been a little fussy, but that comes with the territory.

After his appointment, we went to Target (mom sat in the car with him while I went in), and I got him a toy since he was such a brave and sweet little boy! I ended up getting him toy mirror that straps to his car seat or it can be put in his crib. I think that he is going to enjoy it!

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