Saturday, September 12, 2009

A year ago...

A year ago this past week (Sept. 2008), Jonathan and I were vacationing in Panama City Beach, Florida. It was the day before our 3rd Wedding Anniversary that Jonathan and I were floating in the ocean (well.. Jonathan standing and me semi-floating and hanging onto him in fear of jelly-fish and swimming crabs that like the bite toes...) talking about different things in our lives.. IE. plans we had for the house, finishing the basement, buying furniture, building a barn for the camper, landscaping, and family. We talked for a long time about where we would like to see ourselves in the next year. Jonathan has always been the one who would have been ready anytime to start a family, but it was me with the reservations. I babysat a lot in my teenage years, and I know what kind of commitment that it takes to have and raise a child. But, as we were there floating in the ocean we began to talking SERIOUSLY about having a child, and we both decided right there that we were ready! So, it was that day we stopped our contraceptives and began our path down a new road. I didn't realize that it would take as long as it did. It seemed that everyone in my family got pregnant while they were on the pill, and here I am month after month will no pill and no pregnancy. But what we had to keep telling ourselves was, that God would bless us with a baby in his time, not ours. So, fast-forward 9 months later... I was about 2 1/2 weeks late, but still hadn't taken a test yet. We were camping at Lake Chatuge and going to see Josh Turner with Jonathan's parents, Neal and Debbie, his brother, Shane, his girlfriend, Callie, and her family. We had a great time that weekend, Jonathan's dad brought his boat, so we all took our trips around the lake. It was when Jonathan and I took the boat out that Saturday afternoon, that something in me changed. I was SCARED. It seemed like we were hitting the waves so hard and bouncing up and down in the seats, so I grabbed my stomach in fear. I have never felt like that before, especially around Jonathan; he is the one I feel MOST safe with. I know that Jonathan saw the fear and panic in my eyes and he slowed it down and brought me back to the campground. I guess now, I realize that it was the motherly instinct in me taking over and trying to protect my baby. The next morning it seemed like I couldn't hardly eat breakfast when I woke up, so it was then that I was really suspicious that I was pregnant. So, when we got home, and got everything unloaded and put up Jonathan and I got a pregnancy test out from under the cabinet and took a deep breath. Jonathan went and sat on the bed, and I went into the bathroom. I wasn't trying to look as I was taking it, so I wouldn't know either way, but it turned so fast I couldn't help but notice. I set it on the back of the toilet and told Jonathan "I think I saw it say positive"... So we both sat on the bed and stared at the clock for 3 1/2 mins (like two little nerds!) and I told Jonathan to go in there and look.. so he did. He came out holding it and smiling! I knew then it was true! We hugged one another and cried.. happy tears. Wow! We are actually going to be parents! I told Jonathan to start praying right then for our baby.. that he/she would be healthy, strong, 10 fingers, 10 toes..etc. I prayed too. And we hugged some more.. and I cried more...! I know that I am one of the lucky ones, I was never sick. And believe me, I count my blessings everyday!
On September 8, 2009 (a year after we decided to start our family) we went for Baby Clint's 21 week anatomy scan. There we got to see the 4 chambers of his heart beating away at 146 beats per min, we saw his stomach, bladder, full spine, kidneys, upper and lower extremity bones, umbilical cord with all the vessels, his boy parts, and him in 4D. They said that everything looked great and normal! (Just what we had been praying for, and still praying for) The 4D photos were awesome, Jonathan and I were in awe as we were watching and looking at our baby Clint's face for the first time. WOW! How can you love something so much that you have never met or even seen? I guess that is how God's love works. All I know is that I love this little one with ALL my heart already and he isn't even here yet; not sure how I can love more... but I am sure it will happen as soon as I hold him in my arms and kiss his little face for the first time and know that he is My baby, OUR BABY.
It's amazing all the changes one can have in a year!! Here are a few pics of our last ultrasound...

This is my absolute favorite picture in the whole world right now!! This is baby Clint's first smile, and I can't help but smile and fall in love all over again each time I look at him!
Clint has no problem showing that he is a little boy!! Isn't it amazing how much you can see on the ultrasounds nowadays?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Like I said in the previous blog.. I am still learning!!! I was trying to get the photos in with that post, but I couldn't get it to work.. anyway.. The first photo is Clint at 17 weeks, and in that photo it shows his heart beating at 153 bpm. In the second photo (13weeks), I like to call that his " it's a hard life picture" because he is resting his arm on his forehead! And in the third photo (13weeks) Mr. Clint Lee Carver is showing his manhood to the whole world!!!

It's a Boy!

Hello everyone! Thanks to my best friend Elizabeth, I now have my very own blog! I am still learning, so I may get things a little backwards for the first couple of posts!
I am sure that everyone is curious about the baby! As of tomorrow, August 23, 2009 I am 18 weeks pregnant (4 1/2 months), and our due date is Jan 22, 2010! We are going to have a little "snow baby" as Jonathans mom, Debbie, says! Jonathan and I found out at our 13 week visit to the doctor that we are having a little Boy. We were a little skeptical at first because it was so early to be able to tell the sex of the baby. But, this past week at our 17 week visit, we are definitely sure that it is a boy! Names were no problem for us... If it was going to be a girl we were going to name her Lillian (Lily) Aline Carver. I have ALWAYs loved the name Lily, it is just do dainty and cute; and Aline after my precious grandmother! And for a Boy.. Jonathan always said that he wanted to name him HANK... haha.. I told him that when he said that name it sounded like he was trying to clear his throat... so one day Jonathan came home and said "What about naming him Clint Lee?" and I totally fell in love with that name! Clint after the old western cowboy actor "Clint Walker" and Lee after his great grandfather (his moms side)! So, here we are with little Clint Lee Carver!!!! As of August 18, 2009 he weighs 7oz and has a heart beat of 153 bpm! We go for our full anatomy scan on Sept 8, there they will look at his heart (and all the chambers), kidneys, spine, etc. We are super excited!
Last Saturday Aug 15 I was laying on the couch watching Tv and I had this weird feeling in my stomach.. I thought that it might be the baby, but I just wasn't sure. It felt like little tiny butterlies. Then Sunday night, Jonathan and I were sitting on the couch studying for his plumbing exam, and there he was again.. but this time it was much stronger. This time it felt like heavy butterflies, and I definelty knew that was my little baby in there moving! It is so amazing to be that I have another little life growing inside of me; I have 2 heart beats in me; God's miracles are so wonderful! It is still hard for me to believe that Jonathan and I are going to be parents; I am nervous and excited all at the same time, but I know that we are going to have plenty of help and little Clint will feel love from every direction! We are SO BLESSED!
I will try to keep everyone posted as to what is going on with us, meanwhile please keep us in your prayers! Love you all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

We're Pregnant!

Jonathan and I are proud to announce that we will be having our first child! I am now 10 wks along and will be due on January 22, 2010! We are so excited that our little family is going to be getting bigger and that we will be able to document everything from the pregnancy, to the baby's birth and all the way up! Below is our baby's first photo shoot!