Saturday, August 28, 2010

Riding his horsie! Giddy Up!

August 28, 2010

7 months!

Just like my daddy!

After I took this picture of Clint, I couldn't believe how much he looked like Jonathan. I have known all along that he looks more like Jonathan than me... but this picture just confirms it!  July 22, 2010

Clint loves watching Baby Einstein, he sat in that same spot for 30 minutes without budging! I couldn't believe it!

The Mays Family came up for the weekend on July 21, 2010! We had a wonderful time. Elizabeth is holding Clint in this next picture!

Haylie and Clint had a blast playing together!

Clint loves playing with his toys!

He loves his daddy too!

Such a happy baby! We call him "spike" these days! haha!

Get-a-way baby!!!


6 months!

Just hanging out!
Gifts from his Aunt Mary in Oregon!

Watching Baby Einstein!
Opening his first savings account at Mimi's bank in Jasper! July 30, 2010
Visiting Mimi at her work!
Crawled over to his alphabet Caterpillar and started eating his antennas!

Learning to crawl! Army Man Style!

July 28, 2010

Well.. he finally did it!!  After several weeks of reaching and barely scooting he finally figured out the army man crawl!!  Mommy and Daddy were so excited!! Now, we are having to child proof, but, we don't mind one bit! Our little boy is growing so fast, right before our eyes!